Originally Posted by andrewmp6
Now you see why i said i wouldn't buy a truck someone else air bagged.It looks like it was installed kinda lazy,Most i seen the valves are mounted solid only the compressor have a rubber mount because they vibrate.Here's a link on how to clean the valves http://www.s10forum.com/forum/f125/s...how-to-237585/
thanks for the link, I think I'll do that since its going to be all apart
for the money I spent on the truck I could not turn it down, be leave me I was not looking for a 2nd truck i'm more then happy with my 87 I have now for 7 years
I got a heater in the garage its keeping me busy and out of the wife's way and helping with the winter blues so its not so bad lol the only down fall right now is the 87 got delayed i need to get the engine back in and tuned (damm efi)