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Old 02-20-2012, 09:08 PM   #2
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Re: Can you identify this hazard switch?

Hi AJ,

I'm not real familiar with how the knob styles on those hazard switches changed over the years, but I can tell you that the turn signal wiring changed to a different style switch & plug in 63.

If your 62 has the original steering column and turn signal switch, it'll likely be a cable operated setup with the electrical part of the switch mounted down on the under-dash part of the column. And it'll have sort of a pyramid shaped 6-wire plug.

The 63-up columns have the turn signal switch in the upper part of the column and use two semi-circular shaped 4-wire plugs like the ones shown on the hazard flasher in your 2nd pic.

A 63-up hazard switch could be adapted to the 62 wiring, but you'd need to find both a male and female set of the black plastic terminal housings with the pyramid shape that fits the 62 switch/wiring.

It's not noticible once installed, but there were at least a couple different designs hazard flasher switches used in these trucks. The early style has the flasher module mounted on a separate bracket under the dash (using one of the same screws that mounts the switch bracket). While the later style (started sometime around 64) has the flasher module right behind the switch.
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