Thread: Trashy pics!
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Old 02-20-2012, 11:00 PM   #39
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Re: Trashy pics!

Originally Posted by Yooper truck View Post
Your post reminded me of a time back in high school (late 80's) when the throttle cable broke on my 72 Chevy Pickup. My friend got under the hood and pulled it down so that it was nearly closed. I told him to stay clear of the manifold and the fan. He manually did the throttle and I would yell "shift" he would let up and I would shift. I drove to my dad's work, but he didn't have tools so we had to drive to a local mechanic who fixed it for $10. Altogether we drove just over a half mile. The look on the faces of other drivers was priceless.
That sir, is priceless! Haha, my cousin bought a vw bug with no throttle cable. We tied a kite string to it and ran it through the back seat to the front seat and thats how he drove it for a few months
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