Originally Posted by Jacfourteen
Congrats on the son, and glad to see you back on here again!
Posted via Mobile Device
Thanks! having 2 kids sure is a handfull is all i can say. who would have thought that. gonna try to be on the site more, I need some reality, truck and friends reality that is. lol
Originally Posted by VA72C10
 congrats and any update on the crazy issues?
Yes, It took about 8 months to sort out things with the Nazi gov't, but they did get worked out, we are still working on a few issues with the car building community now. I hope all goes well. They realized that my truck was ok to be on the road. I had to fix a couple minor issues they were concerned about. tinted front windsheild, (hehe) lights, basically they had never seen a truck as modified as mine and had to make sure that everything was A-OK for them. I wish that things went better but it is what it is. I just know now what to watch out for and they realize that their rules are very grey and as a insurance company and a person, things have to be worked out, rules more clear in other words. But I sure did stir up the industry, holy crap!!
Originally Posted by Slick67
Awesome! Another future forum member, congrats! The last pic of the front of the truck is incredible, that would make a great poster for your shop. Don't be a stranger......
Thanks!!, I have some greast pics, I love taking pictures, it is my hobby from my hobby! lol
Originally Posted by RCbowtie69
Congrats on the new addition to the famliy.He'll be wrenching on something soon,they seem to grow fast,& keep on truckin' 
Thanks bud!
I hope in the near future to go over to the place where I have Havoc and fire her up. I have not looked at her since last october!! killing me.