Re: Parting 71 gmc lb
Hey David, you may want to consider putting a time limit on some of this stuff. If the cab gets passed on, you have an oppourtunuity to sell it, the frame, and possibly the engine as a package to the next in line. A 350 block has more value to the guy who wants the frame and cab (numbers still match and they get the title with the cab) than it does to anyone else. 350 engines (that need rebuilding) are a dime a dozen and youd be surprised how many are sitting under a garage workshop table. In addition, it saves you alot of labor pulling parts that you dont need to. We dont do "auction" style buying on here, but you dont like waiting a week for someone to say "I'll pass on it" before youre next in line. Once you get a definite "I'll take it", the amount of time it takes to get you paid is between you and the buyer. At that point, the second in line knows that its gone and they can look elsewhere. Im sure there are some that disagree with me, but its just my 2 pennies.