Thread: Hub/Rotors
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Old 02-23-2012, 07:09 PM   #4
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Re: Hub/Rotors

I also don't know the exact size, but am guessing it's not a metric. What i do know is, that 4-prong socket will fit in there very snug, please take care to get it just right. I would not think that it would be something that you would need to get at a dealer, but your availability in canada may be different than mine. My local parts store has them on the shelf, but I was lucky enough to have a friend that owned one already, I didn't see the need to purchase, since I don't see this as a job that the average owner is going to get into that often.

I utilized a Haynes manual when we re-built my front axle in december. Don't recall much as far as torque settings, but there were a couple instances when we did use the torque wrench. Most of the inner workings of the hub itself are not required to be that tight. In my case, we had removed axle shafts as well, not sure how deep into the front end you are planning on going with your project.
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