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Old 02-25-2012, 07:48 AM   #3
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Re: Building a 10th scale 1975 Blazer

Most of the time I don't build an interior in these little trucks, its kind of a pain, you really have to move things around to make them work. The only problem here is, it has a removable top.

I don't go overboard on the details, because once they are together, and being driven, you really can't see the interior in a picture or video.

You are about to view "ugly", but someday, it will look a little better, or untill I roll it down a hill.

Made some basic front seats

Took some black foam

Now to find something to cover them with, someday.

Dashboard, will be close, but not exact.

I took a clear, fake bulb and a piece of round plastic tube, and whittled the bulb down a little bit, and made guages. (I just can't drill)

The chassis as it sits now, waiting on shock towers. I made them, just haven't finished them yet.

This is the RC4WD Killer T-case.


The drive lines are just a little steep, but its ok, it works fine, it may wear out sooner, but again, its a toy, expensive, but still a toy..

Although, I may break down and make some wedges to clock the axles a little.

As for the exterior, I'm trying to 75 the fender, and using a reproduction tailgate, and I'm leaving the Chevy badge.

Those are the shock towers next to the tailgate.

Last edited by jeffro2; 02-25-2012 at 07:53 AM. Reason: spelling
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