Originally Posted by Dieselwrencher
Very nice! That's a cool house too!
Thanks. That thing was pretty high out back. That red '87 belonged to my buddy who worked for me. I had cornice,hardboard siding (out back),and copper roof contract on that one. I believe that was 1989.
Originally Posted by joe231
Thanks NITRO!
I love your old '84!!
That was a good looking rig?
Posted via Mobile Device
Thanks,again. Did I ever mention I wish I still had it?? It was just the way I wanted it. Even had an killer Alpine stereo with an Alpine phone that worked along with it. They had the same green glow buttons and when I got a call the volume automatically went down or the tape paused. I had amps under the seat and Kicker boxes behind the seat. I got rid off it because I was fed up with chronic glow plug failure. Can you believe that? I loved it all summer long for the four years I had it. But,from October to March it gave me the dickens. I put more controllers,inhibitors,relays,and glow plugs in that thing just to ave them burn out. I was ready to order a new under hood harness when I read about the 6.5TDs coming out and decided to order one. I had the Helm book and knew the wire colors by heart. I took it to truck repair shops,fixed shorts I thought were the problem. I just didn't know enough about them,couldn't find a shop that did,and was afraid to try overriding the system. It was all voodoo to me and GM scared me out of trying anything different. When my wife was expecting my son I had to keep my truck plugged into the generator on the job or start it up every hour. I sold it to a farmer friend who wired up a momentary switch and ran it another 10 years. Work was rolling back then and I needed something I could get in and go! I wanted to keep it when I got the new truck,then my friend asked about it and I let it go. I had a lot of old trucks to mess with back then and I didn't consider the '84 too new to fool with. Now I'd like an '80s truck to run as a daily driver again.