Thread: Diesels?
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Old 02-26-2012, 01:53 PM   #14
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Re: Diesels?

Originally Posted by Dalaigh View Post
Thats what I mean other then the engine and in some cases the transmission (some diesels share the same trans as there big block gas counterparts) everything else is the same on say a diesel 2500hd and a gas 2500hd, the rear ends, the frames, breaking systems, and such. Yes the engine is going to last longer but that doesn't mean the truck wrapped around it is going to last longer. I'm not by any means knocking diesels, I would probably never buy one simple because I don't need a truck that big, but I don't understand asking ridiculous prices for a high mileage truck just because it's a diesel. Honestly $17,000 for a 06 2500hd with 450,000kms is ridiculous, simply because the diesel in it can take high mileage better.
You're right,the rest of the truck lasts just as long...and that's a really long time generally.Like two or more gas motors long. Engine rebuilds are the most expensive repair and the most major component. So,doesn't it make sense now? You can keep an old diesel running with the good parts left on a gas truck someone gave upon. If another major component fails in a diesel (trans/rear,etc) you can repair/replace it with the confidence you are not peeing into the wind because you know the motor will last.
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