Thread: Diesels?
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Old 02-26-2012, 10:18 PM   #19
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Re: Diesels?

iv'e towed heavy loads for years....."boatpuller",i feel iv'e got some experience to throw in.iv'e towed big boats with 454's,ford v-10's and stopped and knew every gas station at every off ramp.i was lucky too get 7 or 8 mpg with gas trucks.then i bought my first diesel a dodge cummins mainly for the cummins.i wasn't to sold on the dodge part.but,i had good luck with it.i got away from boats and bought a gas crew cab 1500 gas chevy.good truck.oops i mean was basically a big station wagon.then we got the bug for an r.v.i bought a used 34ft fifth wheel that tips the scales at,another cummins dodge that gets 12 to 13 towing that big 5er with no lack of power.the really cool thing about the new diesels is the exhaust brakes to slow you down going hill,can't do that with gas.unlike my forum buddy chevyboy55 you couldn't give me gas truck to tow heavy with.people will drive what they need and can afford.i'm fortunate enough to have the same good paying job for 35 years that i have worked hard at and "treat" myself to what i consider the best rig for the job.
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