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Old 02-27-2012, 07:53 PM   #51
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Re: Project Grande Slam: Coley's Hot Rod Shop

Engine bay detail looks great. What kind of time did you have in it?? Day, 2 days?? Thanks, Fred
Fred - I soaked the engine with a couple of cans of Gunk degreaser and pressure washed it last Monday afternoon. Chad came over on Tuesday and we took everything apart under the hood and inventoried everything. Then some more degreasing, cleaning and scraping. A good coat of Hi-Temp Gray exhaust paint and VHT Chevy orange brightened everything up. We then cleaned and painted all the smaller stuff and replaced things that were worn out.

I re-installed all the stuff we took off today. So, to answer your question, all total... maybe 10-12 man-hours plus 2 cans Chevy Orange, Flat Black, Semi-Gloss, Gloss Black, Grey Hi-Temp and a half dozen rolls of paper towels.

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