Originally Posted by lolife99
Lose the bumper!
Put on a patina'd white sport bumper
Keith, if I decide to change the bumpers they would both have to match.
Originally Posted by shawno72
Sancha cleaned up well.....Now I'm curious if there is gonna be a door logo or not.
Posted via Mobile Device
Actually, I'm toying with the shop truck idea.
Originally Posted by Stoney
That looks like a typical old farm truck. Leave the bumper, it's kind of cool.
Originally Posted by pat 70/71
I would leave the bumper. And the spare exactly how it is. It just screams farm truck (not that there's anything wrong with that) Clean it enjoy it, sell it? Rene your too much! have fun. I really like this thing. cheers, Pat
So far guys I'm real happy with the look, I am going to lower it a tad maybe a 3/4 drop nothing to radical cause I still want a good ride

, after I do that I'm going to step back and think about a logo for a shop truck, I know it would set this thing off!