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Old 02-29-2012, 11:17 PM   #4
Stalker Nate
Join Date: Dec 2010
Location: Langley, BC, Canada
Posts: 1,556
Re: 1949 GMC 1 Ton dually custom

Yeah, I know the track width is a couple inches wider than our AD bodies are but that's ok. It'll get a custom airbag job down the road anyways, so custom front suspension. If you like buses check out this project We're doing a full custom suspension on it, interior etc. Although it's a newer bus...but it's the same chassis as my motorhome, so once it's done the motorhome will be a quick and easy build. There's a lot of custom work to make the bus lay out and still work properly as a daily driver. I couldn't buy the '50s bus I wanted, the guy wouldn't budge on the price. I may just replace the front sheet metal down the road with 1.5T, if I find a nice enough set.

No rush now, I'm just going to get everything put back together and driving. Then I can change things as I go. Doesn't take much to take these trucks apart and put back together lol You can build one in a couple days for the most part. I've got my eye on a couple other ones though to buy and maybe steel parts off of to make custom fenders for the rear and maybe front.

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1957 GMC SWB stepper modified summer time driver
1963 Chevy Fire Dept. Command Center Van 2 ton - future food vending truck project
1965 Chevy P10 Ice Cream Truck project

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Last edited by dubds10; 02-29-2012 at 11:33 PM.
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