Re: lug nut numbers
Welcome to you sir from eastern Arkansas. You will find a wealth of knowledge and entertainment on here. The General[GM used 6 lugs on there trucks as far back as almost ever I think. They used the 6 lug setup until 1971 in the half ton truck when they went to the popular 5 lug araingment. They kept the 5 lugs until the last body style [the one starting with 1999model year] Now the exception is the k trucks or 4x4 as most know them , they had 6 lugs. The nexet to last body style[88-98] had 6 lugs in the light duty 3/4 ton trucks [7200GVW] but for the most part the 5 lugs were used on the 1/2 tons from 71 until 98[I guess I should have said that first.] Not all posters on here will be as long winded or cunfusing as I so I hope I don't run you off befroe you get a chace to check out everything. Good luck with your truck