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Old 03-03-2012, 12:04 AM   #17
Resistance is Futile
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Re: Repo fenders, A good place to get them?

Again, there are only a few manufacturers of the parts, and a billion vendors. We can all name at least a 1/2 dozen without trying. The fenders are 'Counterpart'. I believe Goodmark uses them but could be wrong. Some vendors do pay to have specific parts manufactured and then they own the rights to these parts and may sell them to other vendors. I have used 2 of the aftermarket fenders, one nearly 8 years ago and it fit fine with only minor issues in fitment; you'll have that with even factory parts. I did replace the portion on front that ends up behind the grill because I did not like the stamping (used an original part and welded it in). On the latest fender, purchased 1 month ago, the issue with the stamping was not there although there will be minor fitment issues. I still like the factory parts better.
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