Thread: My 63 rebuild
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Old 03-05-2012, 11:47 AM   #6
Fred 63
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Re: My 63 rebuild

The weather here in Alaska has the same effect as the lower 48 I don't think it preserves the sheet metal any better. The truck has not been covered or stored in a barn or any thing, it's just been setting in the field of parents farm since 1983 when I went over seas. I bought the truck from my uncle back when I was in high school. I was thinking of saleing it but after my dad past away I just could'nt sale it. So I'm having it restored and bringing it up to Alaska. I also like your black GMC really nice looking truck. I want to put wide white wall tires on my truck but not sure of the size. I'm droping the front 2.5" with drop spindles and the rear 3" with coil springs any suggestions on wheel size 15x8 in the rear and up front or 15x7 up front.
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