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Old 03-06-2012, 01:13 PM   #3
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Re: Tire and gear ratio

Sorry I forgot about the first post

....... transcribed..........

Specs : 454 .030 over (2 bolt mains)
Lunati Cam 60203
cam RPM range: 1800-6200
duration @ .050" 227in 233 ex
110 lobe separation
ISKY lifters.
Rocker Arms: Harland Sharp 1.7
Radiator...? I have a summit racing one right now that I ran with the small block.. should I upgrade? Where should I look?
Water pump: Stewart High flow
heads: oval ports # 3964290
2.06 intake 1.72 exhaust
closed chamber
(would rather not chane the heads if I don't have to)
Pulleys: ? are stock ok, id rather not spend a grand on bilit alum. ones.. and I really dont like the look of them that much. *( where is the best place to get pulleys?)

flat top forged pistons (TRW)
Eagle stock replacment connecting rods with ARP hardwear
Stock crank
Rotating assembly just got balanced.
Hays flywheel, Pioneer harmonic balancer both SFI
Edelbrock preformer RPM intake
Pro systems carb (4150, 950hp main body)
ARP Head bolts and main bolts

-- What I "think" I know--

I need to make somewhere between 420-500 hp to run a 12.5 in the 1/4 and go somewhere near 115mph ( a little extra added in to make up for my loss of traction and hopeful catchup)

Big blocks like compression, and most preformance cams require it. I'm guessing that with a compressed head gasket thickness of .041 I should have somewhere near 9:1 compression? Ill have to do the math though to make sure.

I'm running a TKO 500 5 speed (still street driven, don't want an auto) but I was thinking I should use 3.55, or 3.42 to use more of the big blocks torque band for my cam choice (though it advertises to pull to 6200 rpm), and not loose my 1st gear all the way. TKO-500 gear ratios 3.27,1.97,1.34,1.00,.68

Tire size - I was thinking about a 27"- 29'' tire by 10 - 10.5'' wide. Hopefully this will let it hook up? Are stamped steel rims ok to accompolish this? I have some new wheel vintuque rims I'd like to use. Going for more of a classic hot rod look over prostreet.

........end transcription........
So that should help.

Soo I pretty much am going to get a new axle and have it slightly narrowed and have tubs in the back without moding the frame. So I'd like to buy it once with about the right gears and select a good size tire to go with it.

Help is appreciated
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