Re: Lower Balljoint help!
I'm new to all this stuff but this exact same thing honestly just happened to me a week ago. For me, there was a small brass(?) ring on the top of the ball joint that I had to pry off (easy) with a screwdriver
I went to the local auto parts store (O'Reilly's) and rented their ball joint press. It's free. I know Auto Zone does the same deal. The press looks like a big C clamp and comes with 3 sized rings. I put the smallest ring on top of the ball joint and the largest ring below it to make sure I could push it down through the control arm. I ratcheted it out with a cheater bar on the ground - didn't need a vice or anything to put the control arm in. If you get a press set up on there, it should come out relatively easily.
Hope this makes sense.