Re: 1/2 Ton vs. 3/4 Ton
In 88 they started to make changes to the 3/4 ton. Does your 97 3/4 ton have 8 lug wheels? Starting in 88 GM started making two different 3/4 tons light duties and heavy duties (now they didn't call them that, but for what it's worth thats what they were) Light duty 3/4 tons came with 6 lug wheels 1/2 ton frames, semi float axle, and upgraded brakes over 1/2 tons. Heavy duty 3/4 tons had thicker frames, semi float or full float option, and bigger brakes over the light duty. You could also get a heavy half ton truck which was a 1/2 ton with extra springs and a semi float and six lug wheels, it was the F44 option. And of coarse you could still get the 88-91 square bodies, which were the same as the 73-87 trucks, but mostly they only came in 1 tons and SUV's, there was the odd 3/4 ton I think.

2020 Silverado Trail Boss - 6.2/10spd