Originally Posted by OKGMC4
Looks good. I went through a lot of trial and error to make that bracket assembly for the AC but got it right. The spacing is critical with serpentine systems. I need to find a way to post the templates for the parts because I think lots of people could use this for the same reasons you and I need it. When I had my father in law machine mine I had him make a second set and it 's just sitting here in a bag...
I could use your template to make my install a little easier if I end up making my own.
Originally Posted by oldman3
Kim, install looks great, nice job. Without going back in your post, I believe you have a camaro clip, correct?...Jim
My clip is from a 67 Chevelle.
Originally Posted by Tri5Nerd
It's looking good. Why don't you just put a notch in the crossmember? That's what I did to make my fit.
If your talking about the AC unit the swap plates I have won't let the bracket mount to the block. There's a couple of work a-rounds without spending a ton of money though.
Originally Posted by ambryatim
Check the link in my sig about mounting an a/c compressor to these engines.
I have the bracket just have not done it yet. Looks pretty easy and it puts it in a better location keeping you from having to notch the cross member.
I've seen that fix and am really considering it for mine also.
These guys make a decent priced bracket to raise it also.
Thanks for looking at my thread guys.