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Old 03-09-2012, 07:02 PM   #1
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hard starting (first start) of the day

hay guys im having a problem with my truck when i start ifor the first time (morning)

i have to crank the motor for about 30 seconds before the engine starts.
after the first start of the day it fires right up the rest of the day.

the choke is not hooked up what i have always done is got in pumped the gas a few times and it starts up.

in the past few months i have

drained the gas tank
removed rust from the inside of the tank
reinstalled the tank
removed and cleaned carb (did not take carb apart)

after i put everything back together is when this started happining

in my opinion is seems like the starter is not turning over quick enough

so i
had the battery tested (tested ok)
had starter and selinoid tested (both tested ok)
while i had the starter out i added a ford remote selinoid

then i had to replace the gas cap, the ones they sell at orielys are plastic what ever i dont care.

but i notice when i take the new cap off the pressure almost blows the cap out of my hand. so i dont know if a vented or non vented cap would help

my fuel presure is bouncing from 6-9 psi
the truck also has a new coil and module also.

im really frusterated with this. any ideas please.
1970 2wd 3/4 ton- 2004 crate 350 thorley tri-y headers-edelbrock performer eps manifold 600cfm performer carb, crane cams energizer cam,lifters, dual 2.5 magnaflows, mallory HEI, powermaster 140 amp altenator, griffen aluminum radiator.(8 MPG)
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