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Old 09-13-2003, 11:44 PM   #1
Phillip Johnson
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Join Date: Apr 2000
Location: Grants Pass, Oregon
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Exclamation 72 3/4 Cheyenne Super BB402 For Sale

Way too many things going on. Gotta sell next years project to pay for the rest of my new shop.
72 Cheyenne Super Custom Camper
402/400 turbo
No A/C
Cab in great shape, no rust
Needs some work on doors but have 2 perfect ones that could go with it.
Bed is in good shape except for the passenger side needs a little attention. I do have a cherry bed that can be included.
No Tac, No tilt but has all the other goodies like factory aux fuel tank, in bed tool box.
This would make a great project for anyone.
Im told that the miles on the odometer is correct. 63000 miles.
Belonged to an old man that has departed and the truck has been sitting for quite some time. Starts up on first crank and runs great. Needs muffler. Could be made roadworthy with a new set of tires!. Looks as if the truck was the old guys ranch truck. there is some hay still under the seat!
Pictures to follow

PRICE... $3500
Can ship anywhere for under $1000
Extra bed, $500
Doors, $200

Im located in Grants Pass Oregon
Submit questions to my email, not PM's PLEASE, if you want answers.
Attached Images

Last edited by Phillip Johnson; 09-14-2003 at 12:04 AM.
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