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Old 03-10-2012, 08:51 AM   #5
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Re: What kind of black paint on...

Check out my build thread. I tried to use the most correct colors I could. I used the most durable but conveinant paint for the part I was working on.

Floor of cab = Red Oxide primer from Factory (I used Red Oxide PPG DP Epoxy)

Inner Fenders, Rad Support , and under hood are a very satin black
(I used eastwoods underhood 2 part urethane)

Motor (Eastwood 2 part epoxy-this is some durable slick stuff!)

All the mounts, and alt supports and what not I blasted and used VHT Epoxy Satin Black from a spray can.) This stuff is really good, I spilled brake fluid on some of these parts and it didnt even hurt it.)

I used the same for the headlight bezels (They are steel) but it should have been flatter than that. I would have used the underhood satin from the fenders for that as well.

The Frame I also used an epoxy PPG primer. Alot of these paints are designed to work without primer, like the engine epoxy and underhood urethane from eastwood. Jast sand with 400 and spray. But for the durability anything you may primer under the hood or what not I went with epoxy primer.

Not all semi gloss or even satins are sreated equal. The VHT stuff I used from a spray can has more of a sheen and the underhood black from eastwood was almost flat (But very correct looking.)
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