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Old 03-10-2012, 09:21 PM   #1
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power steering conversion

I just installed power steering on my 70 C10, I bought everything from a very reliable bone yard in my area. He gave me a steering box from an early 80s p/u (85 I think) the pump was out of a 72 nova with a 250 ci, mine is also a 250. everything bolted in just fine all I had to modify where the hoses. I have no leaks the pump seems to be working it took all of a quart or more of fluid but I still don't have power steering. I took the pressure off the wheels and turned it from side to side several times and took it for a ride but no luck. Is the box wrong, the bone yards book said there all the same up to the 80s. Is there not enough pressure or volume, any suggestions.
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