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Old 03-11-2012, 01:08 AM   #12
W. Higgins
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Re: Do you love your parts washer?

Find a good used Graymills Clean-O-Matic parts washer. It may take some looking, but a decent one can be had in the $500 range. You won't regret it. Eventually, you'll want to do something like set a transmission in there and the piece of mind you get from not having to worry about your parts washer toppling over on you is priceless. You can also straddle a differential over it and wash it out:

I hate Safety-Kleen and use FCC Environmental, but they don't reach your corner of the country. There is probably a similar alternative out your way. FCC will come only when I call (which at times has been years) and are very reasonable on their solvent prices -- about a 1/3rd of Safety-Kleen's prices. Having a drum saves you nothing. These guys travel with pumps and will pump out the old and pump in the new.
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