Thread: Lost My 65
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Old 03-11-2012, 04:00 AM   #1
But Found Her 25yrs Later!
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Re: Lost My 65

I am really close to having my 66 back together and drivable.
So I'm starting to think of what to do when I start on my 65.

Originally Posted by LostMy65 View Post
Top on the list:

#1; get that soggy carpet up and let that floor dry. - DONE
#2; give her a good cleaning.
#3; get those bumpers back right side up.
#4; park her under cover and get my 66 back together.
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Got the carpet tore up and she's been parked in a completely enclosed costco carport since I first drove her home.

I really need to quit looking at the parts forum.
I have quite a list of things I would like, but don't really need.
I have to prioritize my funds and concentrate on first getting my 65 to be a great daily driver and the body panels restored and protected.
I need to keep reminding myself that chrome knobs and the like is money that doesn't need to be spent when I have more important expenses.

So, first on my list is get the brakes upgraded.
I lost my 65 - Found it 25 years later:

66 C20 Service Truck:
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