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Old 03-11-2012, 02:16 PM   #12
Low Elco
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Location: Indep, MO
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Re: Boppa's old yeller truck

Ok, update time- got sick again midweek (really getting tired of that). Felt better Friday, so I blocked the whole cab with 180 and reprimed. Looks good, only a couple spots to deal with that'll prime up good. Wanted to get the bottom of the cab cleaned up before putting on the Al's Liner, but couldn't get an answer out of any sandblast companies. So, I noticed that I have a big mother of a compressor, so the heck with it, we spent the same $150 and bought a 40-pound sandblast setup from Harbor Freight. If you have the means, get one. It worked awesome. The Aluminum oxide worked great, but we went through it quick. Then I remembered I had actual blasting sand in the shed, so we filled 'er up and used the combo. Worked great and didn't go through it near as fast. Cleaned up and dragged it in and etch primed. It has a bunch of runs, but I had the air cut way down so as not to gas the 'hood, and it's all getting covered anyway. Here's the pics-

The overall setup- use the tarps, makes cleanup and reuse a LOT easier.
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The Owner getting some work done-
Name:  IMG_2123.jpg
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Our loyal assistant and our new Rig-
Name:  IMG_2124.jpg
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Wire brushing the easy to get at areas to save on sand-
Name:  IMG_2127.jpg
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Etch Primed!
Name:  IMG_2129.jpg
Views: 6247
Size:  47.1 KB

Hope to get the bottomed seam sealed and the Al's put on this week. Lovin the awesome March weather!
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