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Old 03-12-2012, 12:58 AM   #1
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Complete part out of my '68 C-10

hey everyone I'm pretty new to this site. So I dont have any photos yet, but I am parting out my '68. I disassembled all the way down to the bare frame (which I had sandblasted and por-15'd). complete 307 engine and manual trans. There is a pic of the truck on my profile if you want to see it. Ill keep checking this post and try to put up picks as they are requested. Thank you everyone!

Oh and I also have a complete front clip (hood,fenders,grille) of another '68 as well. all original steel and emblems if needed!! Feel free to email me at if you have any questions.

prices do not include shipping price

1-complete cab(w/o doors)$385(w/doors)$450
2-complete grill(headlamps/bezels/trim)-$250
3-2 side emblems and hood emblem-$50
4-doors-$125 ea.
5-full set of wheels/tires-$200
6-complete front clip(w/emblems)$400
7-Frame-$300 (has been sandblasted and painted)
8-LH/RH fenders-$200 pair
9-complete 307 c.i with 3 spd saginaw transmission-$350

more prices set as parts are requested. thank you everyone for all the help!
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Last edited by mjo8585; 03-22-2012 at 03:37 AM.
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