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Old 03-12-2012, 03:58 AM   #537
Hot Rod Todd
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Join Date: Jan 2012
Location: Christchurch New Zealand
Posts: 64
Re: What Did You Do With Your Truck Today ?

I bought a 89 litre (23 US gallon) stainless steel fuel tank off our equivalent of E Bay. Im flying north for our National Drags (we sanction thru IHRA) at the weekend, so I will take it with me & get another mate to take it to the guy who is working on the truck. Truck is 600 miles from where I live.

Really, Im mainly just sorting out the stuff I need, sourcing it and sending it north to the guy who is working on the truck. Its a good partnership really because I get to plan the project, tell himm what I want and fund everything, & he does the engineering so its safe for me to drive. Rear end came out last week & got refitted as per the original Jag setup and truck sits about an inch lower now. Back will settle a bit more too. Front will drop a bit when the 250 cube 6 gets replaced with the usual 350/700R4 combo

I need more room in the cab so the original tank has to go. Hope to have it done and good to drive the 600 miles home again by the end of April
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Last edited by Hot Rod Todd; 03-12-2012 at 04:14 AM.
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