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Old 03-12-2012, 12:25 PM   #12
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Re: New to the board, 2 suburbans and some other GM goodies

First Off. Welcome to this wonderful board! We are a cool bunch of gearheads.

I read your plans about installing a GearVendor Overdrive. I've got one, it is great. But the cost$$$ is somewhat over the top. And the one complaint I have is they generally remove your two driveshafts, and install a single long drive shaft. this is all fine and good, but now when I hit about 70mph, I start having a severe vibration. I believe it is that the long drive shaft is hitting it's "critical speed", or begins opperating within one of its bending frequencies. NOT a good thing. doesn't really bother me as I mostly use the vehicle for towing now days, and never tow close to 70mph.

We can chat more about it.

1990 Suburban 454, 2WD, with GearVendor
Bought new and always kept in the garage.
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