Thread: Backwoods '66
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Old 03-12-2012, 11:14 PM   #11
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Re: Backwoods '66

Then I finally mustered up the courage to tear into the 305...Brace yourselves for black gunk.

This will certainly be reused. Q-jet 750cfm.

Can you see the crud in the middle? There was close to 1lb of it, I kid you not.

This is stock and I don't plan on reusing it [P#14057055]. Hoping to replace it with a Edlebrock Performer RPM down the road.

The 601 heads. 1.74 intake 1.5 exhaust. Probably a combined 1/2lbs of gunk caked on the underside of these.

After some of the crud was removed from the valley. From what I can tell those are the original dished piston heads.

Not sure if I want to reuse these or not.
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