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Old 03-13-2012, 12:08 AM   #1
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Need some fuel advice

Hey guys

My 84 k10 has been sick lately and I have made her stay home in bed, has been having symptoms of a bad carb for a month or two
the usual

-black smoke
-rough lopey idle
-easy flooding
-stumbling on acceleration
-backfireing when decelerating
etc etc

Well my 'new' carb came in today from Art at Guaranteed Carbs in Florida

I don't have the money to replace the fuel line or tank and was wondering if running an Inline filter and the stock carb filter would be a good bet at stopping anything that may or may not be in the tank/lines

The original filter that came in the truck worked great, then I replaced it with the replacement from AutoZone, I have gone through 3 so far, they just fall apart and clog???

Had the same issue on my 82 S10, went through 7 filters before I found 'the one' that wouldn't fall apart

Anywho-I dropped $180 on the new carb and don't want to mess it up like my old one, and just want to know the cheapest preventative stuff I can do (currently unemployed) and need the truck in good running shape to make money doing odd job work.

Thanks all,

I will post pics of the carb, looks sweet!
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