Originally Posted by McMurphy
Yeah, because that would be MY build..... LOL
Hope the best for you, if I were home with my own shop, I would just make a blast cabinet/room and call it a day!
Good luck!
I’ll be doing all the work to this truck in my 1.5/2 car garage which already holds quite a big of crap. It’s an attached garage as well.
If I can blast everything, then bring it back to my place, it would save me a TON of time and effort.
Right now the plan is:
- Get the front clip off
- Get the bed apart and off
- Get the cab off
- Wheel the roller frame / drivetrain into my garage
- Yank the engine / tranny and get it on stand
- Blast / strip frame and do the power steering / disc brake swap
- Paint frame
- Get suspension done
- Clean / strip engine
- New gasket, check condition, paint and detail
After that I’d use the cab to mock up body repairs, as well as the 700R4/200R4 I want to install. Once the drive train is done and bolted back in, then I’ll store / cover the frame / drivetrain and start working on the body.