Originally Posted by losthope
It would be cheaper to put a 350 in it.......
I only said that because you said not to! Some pretty sketchy stuff you had going on there! Good thing your going to redo the truck, All in all it looks like a decent truck. As far as the bent frame brace in the rear i would just take it out and try and heat and pound it straight or just make a new one..i know you said you just got a new gas tank but if you plan on a rear gas tank at all you most likely would have to remove that brace and reinstall it further back...looks like you dove in head first make sure you take plenty of pictures we enjoy them, and you might need to look back someday and see how some parts went together! 
I knew someone would. I would probably put one in if I could get it dirt cheap and it made around 400+ hp. Who could turn something like that down?
I thought the heating/bending would be a good option in the front at least. As for the gas tank and rear relocation, I think I want to stick with the in-cab despite the fact that a tank relocation would make room for some nice speakers and all. But I like the fill location in the side of the cab too much. Don't know why, just do.