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Old 09-14-2003, 10:14 PM   #5
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I called ECE on this and they got a little flustered because I'm using a 1973 14 Bolt Full Floater which has a panhard bar bracket welded to the axel tube on the pass side. The stock bar is approximatly 28" long right now, and ECE seemed to not want to give me an opinion for the flat angle I now have. They said that their Super Trac Bar that mounts to the pass lower shock mount would not fit, but from what I measured, it will!! They also sell a 24" adjustable bar that would go in the stock 12 Bolt mounting location; I know that one won't work.

I guess they didn't want to tell me that their competition, CPP, sells a 27" adjustable trac bar, I had to search for myself. Thats OK, maybe they don't know that a 27" bar is a standard GM item from earlier pickups. CPP knows, and so do others!!

Anyway, you feel its OK to have the flat angle and just go with the adjustable 27" bar?
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