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Old 03-14-2012, 09:22 AM   #39
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Re: I hate some previous owner because.....

From the multiple project cars over the years.

How about a 350 that had one valve cover where EVERY BOLT was broken off in the head. So what did the guy do? He used some kind of EPOXY to seal the valve cover to the head. And it still seeped.

Or another small block with a pretty normal intake oil leak. Did he pull the intake and replace the gasket? Of course not. He took RTV and forced it into the gap. Of course that stuff was all through the engine.

How about a PO cutting the exhaust off close to where it connects to the manifold. Then using something that looked to be a combination of duct tape and jb weld to try and put it back together?

Mismatch length shocks on the front of a car. (yes I’m serious).

How about a PO cutting the fuse box out of a Chevelle. I said CUTTING. The entire bundle of wires where it exited the fuse box. Then “reinstalling” by simply twisting the cut wires together and taping them with electrical tape. And this was in a car that the guy had paid a body shop to totally strip, replace rusted sheetmetal and do the body work. I know the shop, he paid GOOD money for this. Then what did he do? He RATTLE CANNED the paint job on.
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