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Old 03-14-2012, 11:37 AM   #1
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350sbc pops and spits under load

just picked up old blue from the muffler shop. (headers and cherrybombs)
It popped and spit and generally ran like crap on the way home.
In neutral I can rev it no problem. in drive it will randomly die and fire and pop. Doesnt seem to matter if its heavy load or light/ fast or slow.
I just bought this thing and havent even changed the oil in it yet.
It has HEI ignition.
I did just get cap/rotor/wires/hei unit from Summit which Ill install with new plugs and an oil change this weekend. I havent done any timing in 15 years but I think I remember how.
I'm thinking timing or maybe the carb? I was way low on gas and only put in a couple gallons after leaving the shop. I wonder if I got some tank crud in the carb since it sat awhile before i bought it. I have driven it 20 miles or so since buying and it didnt do this until now.
I was also thinking plug wires not in order since they pulled them to put on the headers. But it purrs like a kitten when its not popping and spitting.

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