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Old 03-14-2012, 08:48 PM   #9
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Wink Re: 1965 Chevrolet C10 - heater blower motor squeal?

ok... using an excellent tip from Wrenchbender Ret.(thanks W.R.!), I got the cage loose... take the nut off, hold or have someone else hold the fan, then tap on the shaft... once it is flush, use a punch or a small screwdriver, etc.. to tap it on through. pop. It is off. Yay.

An issue I had with the replacement motor: the replacement motor(from the parts stores - Siemens VD0 PM102) is longer/deeper and did not want to go back into the heater housing space with the fan on. This is a problem.

I didn't want to pull the entire heater core and housing unit again unless I absolutely had to, so I did some thinking.

This is what wound up working...

I took my new motor and plugged it in and laid it down on the fender and the exhaust manifold so that it would get a good ground... why? To test it and make sure it works before I went through all of this hassle... it zoomed along nicely. OK, turn it all off, unplug it and let the aggravation begin...

I looked at the old fan and the new fan... lined up the holes that were used and I marked the ones I needed to use on the new motor with a white paint pen(which I had laying around, cuz it is handy for touching up the white grill on a beat up truck, but I digress)...

I removed the cage fan from the motor. I put the cage fan up into the housing and slightly on the bench inside so it wouldn't fall back down, then I wiggled the motor into the space, dropped the fan back down onto the shaft and then had a slight tussle with trying to get it to line up on the shaft. Then you have to wiggle the nut onto the end of the shaft with yer fingers and not really being able to see it(use the force!) and run it down finger tight.

Once it was lined up and dropped down, there was not a lot of room, so I leaned the motor at an angle, with the cage fan still stuck partly in the housing, and used a small crescent wrench to slip in and tighten the nut down onto the shaft.

I found that putting in the first screw, in the hole on the motor, which faces the front of the truck, gives a nice pivot point to work the other two side front holes for putting it all back into the housing.

I used a ratchet, 1/4 deep well socket (space issues) one short extension and 1/4 regular socket, depending on which screw I was running in.

Remember to plug the fan connecter back in on the back!

Maybe all of that will be useful to someone in the future if they are stuck doing this.

It blows the air real strong through the ducts now... whoo hoo.


EDIT : this issue with the blower motor not sliding back up and in may only be an issue because of the later model v8(1992 block 350/5.7L) in my truck, I dunno. That is what is in there, so that is what I had to deal with. It may not be an issue in a 327 truck or a inline six, I don't know... but, thought I'd mention it, in case.

Last edited by Woogeroo; 07-01-2012 at 01:51 AM.
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