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Old 03-15-2012, 12:47 PM   #3
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Re: Ramshead Exhaust on 220cc Aluminum Heads?

The exhaust gasket prevents them from actually touching, but either way it doesn't matter - no issues. Most modern cars have that combo of aluminum head and iron exhaust manifolds.

I think 220's a little big for a DD, unless you have a 434 SBC - but it's your truck and you can do whatever you want with it. The big volume heads will lack velocity at low RPMs, and will tend to be a little softer on the bottom end (less torque). If it were mine and I was starting from scratch, I'd use a set of AFR 185's and make some huge low end torque with still nice top end HP.

Will the ramshead manifolds even match up with the ports on the 220's? I'd imaging it's like trying to exhale through a straw while running.....
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