Originally Posted by 68gmsee
Sadly, no, just the facts. Can you imagine in the 20's without heat. 
Yeah, it's about the same a -40 WITH heat.
Here's a somewhat embarassing story from 30 years ago... being up in Saskatchewan I used to rent a little shack from an old lady to park my "good" car in over the winter. Not wanting (or being allowed) to use her house bathroom when I was working in the shack, over the course of a couple of months of wrenching I managed to fill several empty antifreeze jugs with, well... urine.
Anyway, when winter came I brought my beater 69 C10 in there to winterize, and my little brother (pre-driving-age) was helping, and long story short he poured a full gallon of - you guessed it - into the rad before I noticed. This was a $50 truck that pretty much matched my net worth at the time, so I wasn't going to waste the investment of actual anti-freeze that was already in there.
A couple of months later, driving at night in the dead of winter at -40, the heater core exploded and it got exciting. First the cab filled with what you can imagine to be a horrific steam. My little brother run about a block before I could catch him. When things settled down much of that horrible, horrible mist flash-froze to the entire interior.
To make it home I just looped the heater hose from pump to intake, and couldn't afford a new heater core so drove the rest of the Saskatchewan winter without one. No heat was OK, but the lack of defrost meant it took two people to drive, because one had to continually scrape a hole in the frost to be able to see.
- Dave