Thread: bbc radiator?
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Old 03-15-2012, 10:33 PM   #4
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Lightbulb Re: bbc radiator?

Originally Posted by jason7698 View Post
I am on a budget but am willing to spend some money to make sure I stay away from cooling issues and I want it to look nice and clean..Thanks guys all advice and suggestions welcome!!
I run a dual circuit engine oil / trans cooler set-up with an electric pusher fan on my small block. Both engine and trans have fluid thermostats to make sure the oil / fluid only goes to the cooler when required. The engine has dual remote spin-on oil filters and the trans has a single remote spin-on filter in addition to the internal filter; trans also has a deep sump cast aluminum pan. The engine has a high pressure and high volume oil pump to deal with all the additional feet of cooler line and an oil pan with an additional 1 quart capacity over stock. The capacity of my engine oil system is now 12 quarts with filters and cooler lines.

I have a 4 core radiator with the proper shroud and tucked inside is a small electric puller fan that complements a large diameter flex fan attached to a high flow water pump.

I keep an eye on all of it via AutoMeter Water, Oil and Trans Temp along with Oil Pressure gauges.

The bottom line to all of this?

I can, for example, cruze the I-15 to Las Vegas with an average speed of 75 mph in the heat of a summer day and have no overheating problems whatsoever and then do the Strip Crawl for hours in the bumper-to-bumper and still have no overheating problems.

Remember, it is not ONLY the cooling system that is responsible for overheat conditions...keeping the engine oil at the right temp plays a significant role too, whether it be small or big blocks.

And, yes, it is a large parts expense...but in my experience it is money well spent.

I have detailed information and photos on all of this in the MECHANICAL build section of my 1971 C-10 web site if you are interested.
John Harlowe
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