Here's a follow-on about the front bar...
I have seen two separate mounting (to the A-arm) techniques:
For example (sorry I can't post a pic, it's apparently copyrighted at CPP...), the first one uses the little end links to connect to the control arm (somehow) - does it just bolt into one of the bolt holes on the control arm where the factory mount would have been?
Here's the ECE approach in the picture - they use bushings mounted to the control arm, just like a factory setup (and this makes more sense to me).
Please look at the link, then look at the picture - 2 different methods of attaching to the control arm for the ends of the bar - which is better, either? If using the CPP bar, where/how does it attach to the control arm? Single bolt hole of the 2 available? yada yada.
Interested in your all's opinions.