A little more info on the pump. Being a demo unit,
The Fixer says it
would have been used during sales presentations, etc... Not a unit that sat
on the shelf. They'd most likely demonstrate it's low maintenance and show
how to disassemble to replace the carbon vanes after they've worn. In the
picture below, you can see the 4 carbon vanes. Looking to the ones directly
to the left and top, you can see how they don't sit flush with the drum,
indicating very little wear. I'd imagine they'd wear completely down to near
nothing if allowed. A rep. for the company, when asked, said she had, recently, a
customer needing repair after 15 years of use!
Since it isn't going to be used constantly, we should be good for a LONG while
4 carbon vanes shown. Centrifugal force pushes them to the outer wall,
which I think then pushes air out through to the low pressure air line, out the mask.
I also got GREAT deals on masks. May post them later.
Needs a little cleaning
Misc. hint #3