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Old 03-19-2012, 01:52 AM   #13
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Re: New to the board, 2 suburbans and some other GM goodies

Originally Posted by SuburbanStevie View Post
First Off. Welcome to this wonderful board! We are a cool bunch of gearheads.

I read your plans about installing a GearVendor Overdrive. I've got one, it is great. But the cost$$$ is somewhat over the top. And the one complaint I have is they generally remove your two driveshafts, and install a single long drive shaft. this is all fine and good, but now when I hit about 70mph, I start having a severe vibration. I believe it is that the long drive shaft is hitting it's "critical speed", or begins opperating within one of its bending frequencies. NOT a good thing. doesn't really bother me as I mostly use the vehicle for towing now days, and never tow close to 70mph.

We can chat more about it.

I think if I watch my purchases, I can get one for close to $1500, which isn't too bad really. Should pay for itself in about 30-40k miles (a year or two as much as I drive on the highway). I've already got a line on a 2-piece shortened driveshaft that came out of a TH400 burban with a gear vendors, so that should take care of that problem.

Also, you have to figure in the reduced wear and tear on the engine with a gear vendors. Not only is it getting you some gas mileage, it's also keeping the revs down on your engine at a steady highway cruise. That makes a big difference in how many miles you can get out of components without having problems.

Anybody have recommendations on a torque converter for towing and increased gas mileage? I was looking at a 1500 rpm stall TCI Towing torque converter, does anyone have experience with it?

86 Chevrolet K20/30 Suburban - 8.1/NV4500/NP205/Dana 60/14 bolt FF, build in progress
73 Formula - 400/Doug Nash 4+1, resto on hold
86 Chevrolet K30 3+3 - 350/TH400/NP241, Air Force/Forest Service Rescue Truck, for sale
01 Ram 2500 - 5.9L Magnum, daily driver
91 BMW 325i - Chumpcar series racecar
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