Originally Posted by MisterC
Hey Jocko,
You should put a post in the "Reviews" forum to help save some other member from making the same mistake.
Posted via Mobile Device
Good idea - and I may do that, but I am going to call these guys tomorrow and see what they have to say. It's a popular vendor - and I have had good service from them in the past, so don't want to torpedo them, yet. They will not be the first vendor to advertise a picture of one thing and send me something else - but the straw that breaks this camel's back is when I call them about it and they waste my time trying to convince me what I really wanted... (that's why I'm withholding the company at this point - I do want to give em a chance to respond).
I guess I'm kinda ticked because even if they are responsive to the call - I'm still gonna have to either paint it - or take the half day to get to the post office, which kills my work day around here. And hope they'll pay for return shipping, because this thing weighs a ton. If I have to paint it, it's gonna take a LONG time to get the textured-spatter powder coat or removed - or just accept my stock ol black paint will flake off in the near future and look like crap anyway... Maybe it's a job for my powder coater. But that will cost as much as the #$%^&* bar did! Best case would be I miss work - send them the part, they return the right one, and pay all the shipping. I still miss work though.