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Old 03-21-2012, 07:42 AM   #5
Special Order

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Re: How Did They Do It ?

I don't get the whole heater delete thing anyway. I mean,they come free in every truck. Even if you think you won't need it,why not have one? My windshield fogs up when it's hot out in the rain and you don't get a defrosted w/o a heater.
It's so cold without a heater in a vehicle when it's freezing out it's not even safe! The rest,I don't see a problem. I don't see why having a 292 would be an issue,plenty of power there. I didn't have power steering or brakes in many vehicles and never missed it. I felt safer in snow with manual everything because the brakes weren't so touchy,the transmission holds you back,and power steering takes a lot of "feel" out of steering.
Heck,the mountain folk got by without 4wd while city slickers felt they needed it where the snow is cleared withing hours from falling.
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GMC '67 C1500 Wideside Super Custom SWB: 327/M22/3.42 posi.........."The '67" (project)
GMC '72 K2500 Wideside Sierra Custom Camper: 350/TH350/4.10 Power-Lok..."The '72" (rolling)

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