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Old 03-21-2012, 10:04 PM   #49
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Re: sway bar questions

Originally Posted by pdxhall View Post
I hate to be the one to say it, but I'll bet a used one is looking a lot better right now. What were your reasons again for getting a new one?
I wanted a 1.25" one, and none of the factory ones are that big of a dia. But, yes, that used one isn't looking so bad. Or at least it wasn't looking so bad - I did talk to the company today - same guy I bought it from a week prior - and I have to say, I'm glad I held off a bit and gave them a chance to correct the issue. And they are - I will ship it back (luckily have the time on Fri to go to the post office w/o missin work!) and they are gonna send me a powder coated one in semi-gloss black.

While I WISH it would have been what they advertised in the picture, I really can't ask for much better service after the purchase than that. So, I remain very loyal to: ECE Thanks Stan, you're my hero.

Mister C - I agree with you, I chose the same type you described for the same reasons - and the factory did it that way.
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