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Old 03-23-2012, 12:10 PM   #24
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Re: need help with drive line

Originally Posted by padresag View Post
doesn't make sense. add 2-2 1/2" to rear shaft, move carrier brg forward 1". he is out of travel now on the slip yoke. how is it going to fit. what is it trying to accomplish by doing that
Originally Posted by RAYDAY View Post
Ya raise tranny cross member 2in or so. add 2 to 2.5 in to rear shaft move carrier bearing forward an 1in or so. have to see measurements. ideally u want ujoint to be even with trailing arm pivot then u have no driveshaft plunge. and no more than 1in or yoke showing.
i think what he was getting at is the whole senerio needs to move towards the trans ,so the rear drive shaft( #2 piece) needs to be longer so the middle u-joint is at the same pivot as the trailing arm bolts pivot, so it pivots at at the same point which makes sense if you look at the photo i posted of the original style(right now theres two different pivot points), but if you do that the carrier bearing may need to move forward or it may not(would have to make a new crossmember for the bearing to move forward), then you would move the first driveshaft (#1 piece) forward into the trans ( but it might have to be shortened to gain back splines), and right now the trans looks to be hard mounted to the trans crossmember if he put the rubber mount inbetween the trans and crossmember it would correct some of angle the tail shaft has pointing down.

i dont know if you can use this setup in the hanging type frame ,now that i think about it in my old 65 and my 66 they both have a two piece driveshaft but not a slip yoke in the middle!
Timmy D.

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Last edited by losthope; 03-23-2012 at 12:24 PM.
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