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Old 03-23-2012, 04:47 PM   #15
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Re: Dave's 1970 GMC 402 Longhorn

It's been a while, I've been working on restoring subassemblies to introduce a little variety to the teardown.

Here's the console. To polish out the metalwork I removed all the guards from a bench grinder (do not attempt, read your manual, etc) to install buffing wheels and then got grey and white rouge sticks from Home Depot. Worked well.

For the body of the console I super-cleaned it, then used a PPG "etch sponge" and then a PPG "platic prep wipe", then spayed it with plastic bond. Followed that with a coat of PPG DBC color coat and PPG DBU2060 'Fixed'n'Flat' clear.
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