Thread: 1950 project
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Old 03-24-2012, 09:10 AM   #149
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Re: 1950 project

Still working on fit and finish of the dash. Need to do some final triming and then work the end caps and some additional support braces. I put the gauges in it and test fit it last night. I was having a hard time holding it in place by myself and trying to level it up. I then remembered the body man tool I bought at an auction 15 years ago. I think I gave $5 for it. I have only used it a few times but each time it was ideal for what I was doing. It's about 4 feet long and you can push or pull with it depending on how you set it up. It's hard to see in these pics but I have it in the center of the dash and leaning back to the rear of cab. Thought I would throw in pic of the donor car I cut the dash out of also.
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